At city translation, we only use full-time professional translators who have at least 5 years of experience, and in most cases, 10 years. All are native speakers with multiple accreditations. They are also all rigorously screened and tested by us.
city translation Solutions' localization engineers are all located in-house, have an average of 10 years of localization and internationalization expertise, and are at least bilingual. Because we do not outsource this key function, we can solve the most technically demanding challenges with innovative solutions, often in hours rather than days
Delivering localized products with the appropriate quality is of paramount importance to our clients and to us. Our Quality Assurance Specialists are vigilant in the review and validation of all deliverables, whether printed or online. In fact, city translation Solutions has comprehensive Quality Assurance procedures at every step in the translation process. Rather than testing only a portion of the work product, however, we utilize a 100 percent sample. As such, every page, every word, every screen, and every function is tested or reviewed as appropriate.